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How do I get white teeth?

Radiant white teeth have always been a beauty ideal that many people strive for. White teeth not only look well-groomed, but they also stand up for health and youthfulness. There are countless ways to get your teeth shiny, but it's best to consult with the dentist first because it has the best options for lightening your teeth in exactly the shade you want.

White teeth are a beauty ideal
White teeth are a beauty ideal

Normally only up to two sessions are necessary, usually one is sufficient. During the so-called bleaching, the teeth are completely painless and gently bleached. For a whitening dentist you have to expect a cost between 200 and 400, the result, you can then enjoy up to four years. Sure they matter is not cheap, but it also has a guarantee of success and optimal protection for teeth and gums. Only a chemical bleaching process can make the yellow teeth disappear.

You can also have the dentist do a so-called home bleaching. For this purpose, a plastic splint is made, which is then worn at home in combination with a bleach overnight. Of course, you also have the opportunity to whiten your teeth at home yourself, there are many special kinds of toothpaste available. But most of the time, the success here is very small, many notice no change at all.

In addition, you can even harm the enamel and gums by the application, because the particles contained therein, which actually sandpaper the discoloration, are quite aggressive. Although superficial discolorations are removed by the toothpaste so that the teeth appear a bit whiter, but since the enamel is now roughened, discoloration in the future will tend to occur even faster. In the drugstore and pharmacies, you can also buy special whitening sets at home. But these remedies are not entirely harmless because they can severely affect the gums and aggravate the periodontal disease, so it's best to keep your hands off it.

In the discoloration of the teeth, diet and lifestyle play an important role. Teeth turn much faster if you often drink tea, red wine or tea, or if you smoke a lot. One finds, again and again, references to home remedies, which are to ensure radiantly white teeth. So you often read that you can lighten the teeth with baking soda. But this contains corrosive substances, so you really should not follow this tip. To prevent discoloration you can buy an ultrasonic toothbrush in the trade, which cleans the teeth very thoroughly and plaque particularly reliable and gently removed.

Teeth to whiten themselves

How this works and which home remedies the teeth can also lighten, read here: whiten teeth themselves. However, this only yields very subtle results. Teeth whitening at the dentist looks much more intense. Because the physician can bleach your teeth with higher concentrated Carbamide peroxide so that your teeth will be much brighter compared to the self-treatment.

Professional bleaching - teeth whitening at the dentist

But before the dentist recommends bleaching, he looks closely at his teeth and gums. Because your teeth must be completely free of caries for the treatment. Otherwise, the bleaching agent can penetrate the carious teeth and cause damage. The gums must be healthy too. It must not bleed and there must be no periodontal pockets. It is also important to know that ceramic or plastic fillings and veneers such as crowns and bridges cannot be bleached. They retain their color even after teeth whitening. The dentist can then correct the differences in color with new fillings.

In addition, the discolorations must not extend too deep into the enamel, because the whitening does not work there sufficiently. If the teeth are discolored in deeper layers, therefore, a slight abrasion of the enamel is preferable to whitening the teeth.

Once you and your dentist decide to have your teeth whitened, the dentist first cleans the surfaces of the teeth using a professional cleaning (PZR) of deposits and discoloration. What is still dark afterward is eliminated with the help of tooth whitening. Dentists use a variety of techniques to bleach your teeth:

Home whitening

The most widespread is the so-called home bleaching. The dentist first creates an impression of your dentition. Based on this, he produces thin plastic rails that are perfectly adapted to your individual tooth position. Use the rails yourself at home: Before each use, fill the rails with the carbamide peroxide gel provided by the dentist. Then use the splints as instructed by your doctor in the evening for a few hours or overnight. After about two weeks you have achieved the desired teeth whitening in the rule. During this time, your dentist regularly checks how much your teeth are already bleached and if any side effects occur.

In-office whitening

Another way to whiten your teeth is to blush in the dental office. The dentist uses about three times as high a dose of carbamide peroxide as with home bleaching. He completely covers free lying necks and the complete gums, so that the concentrated bleaching agent does not attack these sensitive areas. The in-office bleaching bleaches the teeth much faster than the home bleaching because the active ingredient is so high doses. As a rule, two to three sessions are sufficient to achieve the desired whitening.

Power whitening

You can whiten your teeth even more intensively and faster with the power whitening that also takes place in the dental practice. In addition to the bleaching gel, the dentist uses a high-energy light source, for example, UV or laser light, with which he irradiates the teeth. The heat accelerates the bleaching considerably. However, it has been shown that the stronger bleaching effect diminishes after about six weeks and the teeth are then as bright as after an in-office treatment.

Walking bleach

Tooth discoloration after root canal treatment is eliminated by the dentist with the so-called walking-bleach. First, he opens the upper area of the root canal to introduce the bleaching agent there. Then he closes the opening temporarily. After about a week, the tooth is reopened, the dentist removes the brightener and replaces it with the fresh active ingredients. This happens about two to three times until the teeth bleach has achieved the desired effect. However, from an expert's point of view, more than four treatments are not recommended, otherwise, the tooth structure will be weakened too much. After the end of the bleaching treatment, the dentist finally closes the tooth.

How do I get white teeth? How do I get white teeth? Reviewed by sajid on Sunday, November 10, 2019 Rating: 5

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