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Tips for hair care for dandruff Positive Health Center

Dandruff is actually something natural because it is dead skin cells that are repelled. However, in some people, this dandruff sticks together so that they become visible and for many then become an aesthetic problem. Actually, dandruff is not bad at all, but when they are deposited on clothing, many women suffer from it. Then all kinds of shampoos are usually tried to get the problem under control, but many products simply are not worth their money.

The causes of dandruff
Tips for hair care for dandruff
Tips for hair care for dandruff

Before it goes to the treatment, you should first search for the cause. In most cases, it is a skin fungus, but it is also present on a perfectly healthy scalp. The fungus feeds on the fat, and as soon as the sebum production gets out of hand, it can multiply cheerfully.
As a result, the scalp begins to itch and it comes to increased dandruff. There are, however, a number of other causes of increased dandruff, namely stress, hormone fluctuations, a hereditary component or disorders in the gastrointestinal area.

A distinction is basically between dry and greasy scales. If the scalp is only strained, then dry dandruff forms, greasy dandruff is the result of increased sebum production. The problem with dry dandruff is compounded by using the wrong shampoo or by washing or drying the hair too hot.
Children and adolescents rarely have problems with severe dandruff. Most affected are men, between the ages of 20 and 40 years. About 20 percent of the adult population is struggling with it.

The treatment of dandruff

If you do not do anything, dandruff will not disappear, but you can do something to get rid of it permanently. For shampooing, it is best to use a special anti-dandruff shampoo, or baby shampoo or a very mild dry hair product. Too frequent washing is not good.

When washing, make sure that you do not wash your hair too hot. The shampoo must be rinsed thoroughly until the water is clear. Then the hair is gently blotted with the towel, not rub. The hair dryer should not be set too hot under any circumstances.

The diet also has an influence on the development of the problem. So you should avoid high-fat foods, sugar, and alcohol as possible and take a lot of vitamins for it. The combs and brushes must not be too hard, otherwise, the scalp will be scratched.

It is important that enough air is applied to the scalp, so it is best not to wear caps. It is also optimal if you do not blow dry your hair, but let it air dry as often as possible.

If the dandruff is very extreme, a dermatologist must be consulted. Usually, this is accompanied by a strong itching, and the greasy scales are hardly brushed out. The dermatologist will check in this case, if more serious skin disease is behind it.

Tips for hair care for dandruff Positive Health Center Tips for hair care for dandruff Positive Health Center Reviewed by sajid on Monday, November 18, 2019 Rating: 5

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